Styl potoczny jako wariant w przyswajaniu języka rodzimego
The language is a creature which is constantly evolving – just like a child as a result of the gained language experience developes its knowledge and perception of reality. Hence there is a need to look at the acquisition of language in the category of colloquialism. A philosophical reflection on conceptual analysis says that ‘all cultures have as one of their most powerful constitutive instruments a folk psychology, which we learn early’ (Bruner 1990: 35). Bruner’s thesis accurately shows the communicational status of the names of feelings and emotions that are expressed in language. J. Bruner suggests that in addition to all culturally and ontogeneticaly determined colloquial cognitive systems exists an universal and inborn colloquial psychology, which is an important starting point and basis for the further man development: ‘We come into the world already equipped with a primitive form of folk psychology’ (Bruner 1990: 73). This article attempts to analyse the subject of colloquialism in the category of native language acquisition.
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