Hearing assessment of a patient with Presbyacusis based on selected audiometric tests





presbyacusis, pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, hearing loss


The acoustic organ is a sensory organ that ensures human communication with the environment and thus enables active existence. The complexity of neurophysiological processes determining human communication in the social dimension implies cooperation in the practical dimension, regarding: prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. The development of medicine and acoustics allows the use of the latest technical solutions to support hearing in people with hearing loss and allows the elderly to maintain the comfort of interpersonal communication.

Undoubtedly, the aging process of the hearing system, called Presbyacusis, causes discomfort in interpersonal relationships for eldery people resulting in difficulties with communication. In this study, the hearing of a patient with Presbyacusis was assessed based on selected audiometric tests, i.e. pure tone audiometry and speech audiometry.


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How to Cite

Pilecka, K. (2023). Hearing assessment of a patient with Presbyacusis based on selected audiometric tests. ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS PAEDAGOGICAE CRACOVIENSIS. STUDIA LOGOPAEDICA, 389(VII). https://doi.org/10.24917/20837283.7.10


