Subordinate adverbial clauses of time and condition in the spoken language of three-year-old children




language communication disorders, language learning and teaching, adverbial clauses of time, adverbial clauses of condition, speech development of three-year-old children



This article presents the author’s research on the syntactic structures and functions of subordinate adverbial clauses of time and condition in the spoken language of three-year-old children. Preschoolers employ the if A, then B construction. The results are compared with the existing research on spoken language syntax. This comparison reveals that this utterance pattern, emerging in children during their fourth year, increases in frequency with age. The author highlights its significant communicative value. The second part of the article provides guidelines for programming the above mentioned syntactic structures in the speech therapy of children with language communication disorders. 


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How to Cite

Starzyńska, A. (2024). Subordinate adverbial clauses of time and condition in the spoken language of three-year-old children. ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS PAEDAGOGICAE CRACOVIENSIS. STUDIA LOGOPAEDICA, 400(VIII).


