About the Journal

ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS PAEDAGOGICAE CRACOVIENSIS. STUDIA LOGOPAEDICA (ISSN 2083-7283) is the scientific yearbook of the Department of Speech Therapy and Developmental Disorders at the Institute of Health Sciences, published by the Scientific Publishing House of the University of the National Education Commission in Krakow; was originally published in 2006-2017, reissued in 2023.

Aims and Scope

The primary objective of the journal is to disseminate research findings addressing broadly defined phenomena related to the acquisition of the linguistic system, the development and reconstruction of language competencies, and issues of language communication, including its disorders of various etiologies, from linguistic, neurobiological, psychological, and medical perspectives.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal may adopt approaches rooted in linguistics, health sciences, medical sciences, or social sciences; however, it is essential that the subject of the research focuses on the broadly understood theoretical and/or practical aspects of speech-language pathology and neurolinguistics, encompassing both normative and pathological contexts.

The journal's content is primarily targeted at researchers and practitioners in speech-language pathology and neurolinguistics, both in Poland and internationally. It also aims to engage linguists, psychologists, educators, and medical professionals, including representatives of disciplines such as health sciences, medical sciences, linguistics, other humanities, and social sciences. The goal of the journal is to facilitate the exchange of scientific ideas and to promote the latest interdisciplinary knowledge and practical solutions.

The journal operates under an open access model, fostering the unrestricted exchange of research and experiences among scholars and practitioners worldwide, free from territorial limitations.

The journal accepts primarily texts written in Polish and English, and in justified cases also in other Slavic and congress languages.