Communication of children on the autism spectrum – the use of the movable alphabet and MTG® in therapy




autism, movable alphabet, Manually Supported Phoneme Production (MTG), speech, language communication


The article presents the application of the movable alphabet and Manually Supported Phoneme Production (MTG®) in the therapeutic process of nonverbal children with autism spectrum disorder. Incorporating both techniques into therapy, such as communication through writing and verbalization through the therapist’s guided movement, allows the children to experience expressing their own thoughts in a way most similar to their interlocutor. Simultaneous four‑modal stimulation: visual, motor, tactile and auditory, activates areas of the brain responsible for speech processes, thereby giving the child a perspective on speech development. Utterances created with the use of the movable alphabet by children with ASD, both senior preschoolers and school‑age children, demonstrate the multifaceted nature of language communication, revealing their intellectual potential, which is difficult to assess in the absence of independent verbalization.


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How to Cite

Świstowska, A. (2023). Communication of children on the autism spectrum – the use of the movable alphabet and MTG® in therapy. ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS PAEDAGOGICAE CRACOVIENSIS. STUDIA LOGOPAEDICA, 389(VII).


