Neurobiological basis of stimulation of the development of language functions child using a melodic phrase
rhythm, dance movement, melodic phrase, linguistic phrase, planum temporaleAbstract
Observing both the phylogenetic and ontogenetic development of man, it can be seen that the basis of movement, so necessary for the development of the organism and the establishment of social interactions, is rhythm. The original forms of communication based on movement, including dance movement, evolved towards communication in the language of voice. The author of the article looks for common points between a melodic phrase and a linguistic phrase, points to structures in the auditory cortex that are activated during the perception of instrumental and linguistic sounds. It presents objective research which indicates that musical education is not indifferent to the level of language skills. Which opens up completely new therapeutic possibilities. Planned musical training leads to structural and functional changes in the child’s brain, which increases his cognitive abilities and language processing skills.
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