Primary functions and resting positions of the lips, tongue and jaw and speech defects in preschool children




primary functions, speech defects, resting position of the lips - jaw - tongue, orofacial muscle disorders


In kindergartens, more and more children are enrolled in speech therapy classes. An equally large number of children have abnormalities in the field of primary functions, the basis of which are the appropriately adapted systems of the lips, jaw and tongue at rest. Orofacial muscle disorders are also observed, affecting the statics and dynamics of the mentioned organs. Although this topic is already common in Polish literature, research on a large number of children is still needed to highlight the problem.

The aim of the article is to identify increasingly common disorders, resulting from disorders in the functioning of the muscles of the oral system and incorrectly adopted resting positions of the lips, jaw and tongue. The study conducted on 51 children also shows the mutual influence of the above aspects on the proper development of primary activities and secondary activities – speech.


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How to Cite

Sukiennik, M. (2024). Primary functions and resting positions of the lips, tongue and jaw and speech defects in preschool children. ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS PAEDAGOGICAE CRACOVIENSIS. STUDIA LOGOPAEDICA, 400(VIII).


